Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based out of? Do you travel for weddings?

We have an amazing team that is based in both Toronto and Dubai ! We are definitely available to travel, contact us and we can go over details.

How many videographers will there be on our wedding day?

There will always be at least two videographers on your wedding day.

Do you use lights?

We only bring lights for the reception. We use them mainly for speeches, however we might use them during your first dance/parent dances if the dance floor is not already lit from your venue.

What is your turnaround time?

Our current turnaround time is between 8-12 weeks however it depends on our backlog and the types of films that you purchase!

How many cameras do you use on a wedding day?

For majority of the day we use 2 cameras. During the ceremony we use between 3-4 cameras depending on the location and guest count!

How much do you charge?

Our wedding packages start at $5000 CAD.

What cameras do you shoot on?

We shoot Sony!